The IUSB Vision Weblog

The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. – Vladimir Lenin

More Dumbing Down of College Students

Posted by iusbvision on December 4, 2009

Via Minding the Campus:

A recent report by American Council of Trustees and Alumni entitled “What Will They Learn?” makes clear that the steady deterioration of general education at the best colleges continues apace. The report studied general education requirements at 100 top schools and found that “Topics like U.S. government or history, literature, mathematics, and economics have become mere options on far too many campuses.”

As we have said before, the far left which has firm control of most of our college campuses nationwide, has seen to it that most students are given a neo-marxist/pop culture based liberal arts/general education curriculum instead of a classic liberal arts based general education. What better way to disconnect students with American Exceptionalism then to see to it that they forget it? Students who enjoy a strong classic liberal arts education are far less likely to accept the emotional appeals and sophistry required to accept Marxist philosophy.

Are you a student? Do you know and I mean really know the works of Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Xenophanes, Bacon, Douglas, Burke, Locke, Smith, Aquinas, Cicero, Solan? If not, you have been ripped off and likely have no idea just what it is that you have missed.

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