The IUSB Vision Weblog

The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. – Vladimir Lenin

Klavan: The left has run out of effective arguments. The only one they have left is “SHUT-UP”

Posted by iusbvision on April 10, 2009

Brilliant and 100% accurate.

Thanks to Hot-Air for the video link.

Michelle Malkin warns; with the Tea-Party protests about to garner national attention Democratic Strategist Bob Meckel says what the left will do.

As Beckel signaled, leftists are going to use fear-mongering to paint mainstream taxpayers who believe in the Second Amendment, the Constitution, limited government, low taxes, and fiscal responsibility as fringe wackos. They have already exploited the Binghamton and Pittsburgh shooting sprees for political gain. They have no shame. Be prepared. Confront them with their own rank hypocrisy and unhingedness. Don’t get distracted. And don’t let your local media get away with lazily recycling their smears.

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