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The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. – Vladimir Lenin

Obama Ally ACORN Under Vote Fraud Investigation in 13 States – A Roundup

Posted by iusbvision on October 13, 2008

It is illegal for ACORN to engage in partisan activities. Here are interviews with ACORN employees who say that they were told to canvas for Democrats like Claire McCaskill  

ESPN Jokes about ACORN Vote Fraud  

Democrat Ohio Secretery of State Jennifer Brunner fighting in court to keep ACORN fradulent voter registrations ON the books!

“ACORN raped and abused our voter roles in a reckless and irresponsible way”

CNN on ACORN Vote Fraud here in Indiana (H/T for the video link)

Cleaveland Ohio says ACORN Vote fraud so bad that there is no way they can stop it in time. Lack of elite media coverage.

Obama’s long history working for ACORN. The Vote Fraud and the intimidation tactics, the illegal use of taxpayer money or taxpayer insured money for partisan actibities.

Obama speech: “ACORN and friends will shape his presidential agenda”

New Your Times on Obama’s history with ACORN, even why trying to play it down, some of the facts are in the story.

In 1992, Mr. Obama was personally involved in voter registration efforts when he served as director of Project Vote in Chicago, helping to register 150,000 voters on the South Side. His success was widely written about at the time and credited with helping to elect Senator Carol Moseley Braun, the first African-American woman in the Senate.

Mr. LaBolt emphasized that Project Vote and Acorn were not as intertwined at that time as they are today, when a significant part of Project Vote’s revenues flow to Acorn and various of its affiliates as payment for services.

But according to Sam Graham-Felsen, who blogs on the Obama campaign’s Web site, Mr. Obama himself linked his 1992 work to Acorn in a meeting with Acorn’s leaders in November.

“Even before I was an elected official, when I ran Project Vote voter registration drives in Illinois, Acorn was smack dab in the middle of it, and we appreciate your work,” Mr. Obama said, according to a post Mr. Graham-Felsen made in February.


The John McCain Ad on Obama and ACORN. While not all political ads are totally accurate, this ad is spot on accurate. The Obama campaign is lying about Obama’s long history with ACORN.

ACORN intimidation tactics and How the Democrats tried to give ACORN BILLIONS in the bailout bill. Republicans got that part of the bill thrown out.

Article from the Wall Street Journal that explains how federal money goes to partisan Obama supporters such as ACORN.

An amalgamation of news clips about ACORN. Author of a book on vote fraud explains how ACORN operates. Obama was ACORN’s attorney in many of their lawsuits. etc. The clips are seperated by humorous political pictures of Obama. Former Ohio Secretery of State Ken Blackwell comments towards the end of the video.  


The Cleveland Leader Calls out Obama’s lies on his history with ACORN:

Obama Campaign Involved in More Cover-Ups in ACORN Scandal

On Thursday we revealed the connection between Barack Obama and Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), and uncovered a 2004 article that discussed his involvement with the organization which had recently been removed from the web. Today, the cover-ups continue and language on Obama’s website has been altered in order to make it look like he has been telling the truth about his ACORN associations all along.

Fortunately, we and many others online know how to do a screen capture and how to use a little something called Google Cache.

As of yesterday, stated:

Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.

Sometime on Friday, the website was altered, and the text was changed to state:

Fact: ACORN never hired Obama as a trainer, organizer, or any type of employee.

The mere fact that his campaign has now changed the language of the site shows that they have conceded the fact that their original remark was a bold-face lie. As a lawyer Sen. Obama should know the importance of language.

The original statement implied that he had no working connection with ACORN, whereas the new statement now insists that he has never been employed or hired by ACORN.

It is good to see the truth finally come out now, but why were they trying to hide his association with ACORN, and what else is Obama lying to us about? Perhaps the biggest question now is how and why they got the Social Policy article stricken from most of the world wide web in the What are they trying to hide? as it was on October 9, 2008: as it shows in Google’s cache, last updated Oct. 6, 2008: as it now shows, effective Oct. 10, 2008 :

4 Responses to “Obama Ally ACORN Under Vote Fraud Investigation in 13 States – A Roundup”

  1. Jason Hall said

    Groups like Acorn, are the reason every state needs someone in the role of Secretary of State’s office who is fair. In Missouri the best way to insure the integrity of our elections is to make sure that Robin Carnahan doesn’t continue on her path of destruction.

    I won’t stand for unverified elections, with no voter ID and because Robin Carnahan has written ballot language that was ruled unfair by two different judges, not once, but twice, it’s time we say good bye to her as our Secretary of State.

    It’s time we elect someone that isn’t part of either major party. That’s why I’m voting for Wes Upchurch, the Libertarian. He may be young, but he’s experienced and promises to bring real integrity back to our election system.

  2. […] What did ACORN do with that money? They got out the vote, alright, in the form of Voter Registration Fraud. In 13-15 (that number is debatable) states, there’s been found to be over 300,000 fake registrations… and what do fake registrations lead to? Multiple, fake votes… ala Voter Fraud. Of course, Obama denies the allegations of his association with ACORN… but what doesn’t he deny? According to him, these are all just “distractions.” Check out these interviews/videos about the recent ACORN debacle. […]

  3. […] ACORN under investigation in at least 13 States – Cleveland […]

  4. […] remember ACORN, the vote fraud supporting, anti-capitalist group who sued and used intimidation tactic to force banks to give ba high risk […]

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