The IUSB Vision Weblog

The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. – Vladimir Lenin

One Month’s Food Stamps – Lobster, Steak, and Five Cases of Diet Mountain Dew

Posted by iusbvision on May 27, 2011

Just when you thought the story of the lottery millionaire who was still legally allowed to receive food stamps was bad enough. A friend found this receipt in the parking lot of a store in Michigan.

UPDATE: This story has gone viral which we are glad to see.

The reader sent this to me is from Menominee, Michigan. The link says that a person found the receipt near the store, which matches what our reader in Menominee told us exactly. Notice that we wrote this before this story went viral and the email he sent me was sitting in my inbox for several days before I opened it. Of course I have no way of knowing in my acquaintance was the original person from Menominee, but it really doesn’t matter.

2 Responses to “One Month’s Food Stamps – Lobster, Steak, and Five Cases of Diet Mountain Dew”

  1. Judy said

    Food is food and let them taste the luxuries….Stop the jealousy…Tell your boss to give you a raise!

  2. Nobody said

    When you are hard working, fiscally responsible and pay the bill yourself you don’t spend money like that, public assistance recipients should not be either!

    I do not have a problem with productive taxpayers being required to pay for food for Legal American Citizens whom truly can not provide food for themselves. I have a huge problem with productive taxpayers being required to pay for food for Invading Illegal Aliens and otherwise LAZY ass people who just leach off the system because they can, or would rather piss what money they have on nonessential items. The perfect solution is a food-bank where essential items (bulk bags of rice, beans, potatoes, etc.) can be gotten, nothing extravagant.

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