The IUSB Vision Weblog

The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. – Vladimir Lenin

Prof Niall Ferguson: Paul Krugman is a joke, Keynesianism is dead, China is more capitalist than we are, get the debt under control or Western Civilization is done for…

Posted by iusbvision on April 4, 2011

Have you ever heard one of those sports guys on the radio who can tell you the stats of every football and baseball game since 1940 right off the top of their head? Prof. Niall Ferguson is like that, but with history and the history of economics. Prof Niall Ferguson is accepted by a great many academics as the most brilliant historian alive and judging by all I have seen in recent years, I have seen no one who can match his ability and have only seen one man in my lifetime who is in the same ballpark as far as ability is concerned. Take a look at his bio HERE. Ferguson said in another interview that only one time in history has a major power emerged from this kind of debt and survived and that was England after the wars of the 1800’s. It doesn’t look good unless we change course now.

The volume is low on some of the videos so on a couple you will have to crank up the speakers, but it is no miss stuff.

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