The IUSB Vision Weblog

The way to crush the middle class is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. – Vladimir Lenin

Media Bias in Action – CNN

Posted by iusbvision on June 22, 2009

A couple of points, the “referee” as he calls himself, the CNN host, stacks the deck by laying out some false left wing premises first and then declares himself the neutral referee. The man from media Matters, whose made several comments that can be shown with little effort to be factually untrue is allowed to speak without interruption and as soon as the man from Accuracy in Media tries to make his point he is immediately interrupted and talked over and before he finishes his last thought the “referee” interrupts him and asks the dishonest Media matters (funded by George Soros) to finish his thought for him…. how nice.

About the man who went into the New York Holocaust Museum shooting….he was a left wing extremist. His many writings make it clear that he hated Bill O’Reilly, hated Fox News, hated Christians, hated conservatives and “Neo-Cons”, and he espoused views against Israel that are common among left wing anti-semitic academics and ANSWER anti-war rallies. In fact the conservative magazine The Weekly Standard was on his hit list. He did indeed espouse socialism, while the socialism he espouses my have a different feel and culture, it is still the same big government, wealth destroying and corruption spreading socialism/corporatism that we are seeing now. The money poring into Washington and lobbyists is greater than ever.

Via Diedre Almstead:

Oh, also, a direct response to what Mr. Boehlert said about there not being any “dehumanizing or demonizing quotes from anyone on the left about military recruiters.”  Do we remember not so long ago Code Pink and the Berkeley Recruitment center… Mr. Boehlert, if you’re going to work for a media company that claims to be accurate, do your homework before you open your mouth, you’re only discrediting yourself and your company.

Media Matters with all their millions and taping every TV and radio program in the country cannot come up with even one example of hate that may motivate someone to use violence against a soldier huh? What about John Kerry and Barack Obama stating on TV that our troops were air raiding villages and killing civilians. 

And let us not forget Senate Democrat Dick Durbin saying that our troops are like Nazi’s who do not care about human beings.

Speaking of hate speech against libertarians and conservatives by the far left, CNN using far left hate speech HERE, CNN loving on protestors who presented President Bush as a Nazi HERE, leftist students acting on that hateful rhetoric HERE, HERE and HERE.

Excerpt from the last link:

Joshua Sparling, a disabled Iraq War veteran, attended a recent “peace protest” in Washington to try and tell them the good that is happening in Iraq. Says Sparling, “I think I saw more fingers that day than any in my life. At first they told me that it was all about the veterans and when I told them that I am a veteran then they told me to go back to Iraq and that I should have stayed there. For the most part there were people lining the fence screaming at us and trying to get at us. A group was waiting for us with clubs and tried to get at me and the police had to stop them from bull-rushing us on the sidewalk.”

The Vision reported that some IUSB Students joined a recent anti-war protest in Washington. One of the primary sponsors for the event was a group called United for Peace and Justice. A list of the groups that have joined together to make United for Peace and Justice is on their website, and here are some of the highlights.

Young Koreans United USA is an organization that supports Kim Jong-Il, the brutal North Korean dictator who starves his own people and has made a nuclear weapon in violation of treaty.

National Network on Cuba is another communist organization that supports Fidel Castro and his brutal regime. I wonder if his brother Raul, who is acting dictator, will let those librarians out of jail who dared to keep banned books.

Vietnam Veterans Against the War. Remember these guys? Members of this group had plans to assassinate Senators who supported the Vietnam War. They also featured “vets” who said that they had committed horrible war crimes in the name of the United States only to find out later that many of them had actually never served in the military.

US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. This group is actively opposing a bill that would prohibit the United States from funding groups unless they break all ties with terrorists. No large anti-war protest is complete without a few anti-Semitic hate groups. The big protests often feature the most grotesque anti-Semitic displays I have ever seen. I have video from several of these protests that demonstrate this beyond reasonable doubt. They will tell you that they aren’t anti-Semitic even though they profess much of the same propaganda as those who want Jews dead.

Here are more of the groups listed: Communist Party USA, Young Democratic Socialists of America, Young Communist League, Socialist Party USA, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, International Socialist Organization, Freedom Socialist Party and the Black Radical Congress.

Most of these groups have acted as apologists for the former Soviet Union and other communist regimes.

These are the types of groups that make up United for Peace.

I ask you, was the USSR a regime that supported peace? Was Castro supporting peace when he slaughtered all of those who opposed him and was he anti-war when he invited nukes into Cuba? Were Pol Pot, who killed two million people, and Chairman Mao anti-war? Is Hugo Chavez a peaceful, anti-war guy? North Korea regularly threatens to wipe out South Korea and exports weapons of mass death to rogue regimes.

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